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TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA

TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA
TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA
TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA
TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA
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TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA
TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA
TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA
TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA
TBS Unify Pro 5.8 Ghz HV - SMA
Brez DDV: 49.10€
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Oznake: TBS , Unify , Pro , 5.8 , Ghz , HV , - , SMA

New and 6S capable version, with 5V output for your FPV camera. Fully SmartAudio compatible - additional features include TBS CleanSwitch and TBS PitMode.Antenna Connector: SMA Female Socket

The most popular, most powerful video transmitter on the market just got a "bigger" brother. It can be connected directly to up to 6S of battery-juice and do 5V output for your camera. It will filter the power and make sure you get clean video, even without being connected to a TBS CORE or TBS PowerCube. With a brand new active output power monitor, we ensure that you"ll always meet the race requirements, while giving you the best possible picture. 

With only 7g and a 31x22x6mm form factor, your quad will barely notice it"s there. The 25mW - 800mW adjustable output power allows you to race with friends and penetrate serious concrete with just a few pushes of a button. The 40CH coverage gives you the freedom to fly at any race without having to resort to video transmitter swapping practices (*).


Zero interference even while powered up, it"s now a possibility! If you"ve ever repaired a quad during a race, you"ll know the frustrations of not being able to power on and test your system. With PitMode, we will reduce the output power to a bare minimum (way below single digit mW"s), and move to frequencies unused by race organizers, to allow you to power up your quad and still see the image! You"ve got a few meters of range to put your quad through its paces before placing it on that starting grid, and in combination with CleanSwitch you can power on as soon as your channel is available without interrupting any of the active channels. 


SmartAudio technology provides UART and I2C control for your entire video transmitter. Parameters such as output power, bands, channels and frequency can be freely controlled. This enables remote channel control directly from a smart device (TBS Crossfire, external bluetooth or wifi module required), from your radio (TBS Crossfire with TBS Tango or OpenTX compatible remote required), or from the OSD (e.g. TBS CORE PRO). With all these options available, you ought to find something that fits your bill. Together with CleanSwitch, the sky is the limit ... jump between channels without interfering fellow pilots in air, create backup-/emergency-frequencies, global VTx power adjustments by race organizers or other clever systems aimed at streamlining and improving race management are now a possibility!


CleanSwitch is a technology developed at TBS that will ensure that your video transmitter is interference-free while powering on, or while changing channels. All current video transmitters swipe across the entire band while being powered on, often resulting in flickering and heavy interference to anyone in the air, regardless of video channel chosen. TBS CleanSwitch will allow you to power on and change channels while your buddies are in the air, without any external interference. CleanSwitch is race friendly, and pilot friendly ... that"s how we like it at TBS :)


Even though learning binary was a fun mind-game, in practice a single-push-button or OSD-controlled video transmitter is just much easier to operate. Gone are the days of video transmitter cards, stepping on people"s channels by mistake, or a mismatch between your goggle and video transmitter frequencies. 


  • Operating Voltage: 2S - 6S
  • Supply current: up to 600mA
  • Operating Temperature: watch for normal airflow
  • Audio carrier Frequency: 6.5 MHz
  • Video Input Impedance: 75 Ohm
  • Weight: 7g (with SMA, without antenna)
  • Input Connector: JST GH 7pin (after July 2018)
  • Antenna Connector: SMA Female Socket with screw mounting holes
  • Video Format: NTSC/PAL
  • Output Power: 13dBm (25mW), 23dBm (200mW), 27dBm (500mW), 29dBm (800mW*)


* HAM license is required for operation on HAM channels, and HAM power levels! The VTx ships with only legal channels enabled, please consult the manual on unlocking procedure.

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Če želite opraviti postopek vračila, vas vljudno prosimo, da izpolnete obrazec tukaj.

Če v 15 dneh od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da izdelka ne želi iz kakršnega koli razloga, izdelek prinese do nas v original embalaži, nepoškodovanega, NEAKTIVIRANEGA z računom. V takšnem primeru stranki vrnemo kupnino.

Če v roku 15 dni od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da je z izdelkom (dronom) karkoli narobe, izdelek prinesete do nas oz. vrnete v originalni emabalaži z vso vsebino, ki je bila v njej. V takšnem primeru stranki dron zamenjamo z novim. Vračilo izdelka je možno v originalni embalaži, nepoškodovano, z računom.

Po pretečenih 15 dneh steče garancijski postopek. Izdelek pošljemo na DJI pooblaščeni uradni servis. V roku 7-10 delovnih dneh prejmemo zamenjan izdelek.

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Da, lahko se oglasite v naši prodajalni, kjer vam bomo z veseljem pomagli in predstavili izdelek.

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