- Zaloga: V Zalogi
- Model: p3ndkit6
The PolarPro DJI Phantom 3 Professional Pack includes 6 high grade filters for aerial filming in nearly any lighting condition. PolarPro"s new ultra-light high definition glass has been made specifically for use with the Phantom 3 camera and gimbal. The PolarPro Phantom 3 filters are designed to replace the stock UV filter on the Phantom 3 camera (which weighs 3 grams). This way 3 grams is removed before installing our filters. Even when adding even our heaviest filter (ND16/PL) to the gimbal, only a net increase of 3.36 grams is added to the gimbal. Each filter has a lightweight aluminum frame which threads onto the DJI Phantom 3 camera for easy installation and removal. (Note: you must remove the stock DJI UV filter before threading our filters on). The PolarPro Professional filter set gives you 6 unique options to capture epic content in any lighting condition.
Included Filters:
Circular Polarizer Filter (CP) (4.64g): The circular polarizer filter helps enhance aerial videos by reducing the amount of light reflecting off of the ground, leaving behind beautifully saturated colors and also improving contrast. This CP filter reduces the camera"s shutter speed by 1.4 f stops. Our target shutter speed is 1/100-1/150th so normally we use this CP during the early morning hours or dusk when we don"t have to knock down the shutter speed too much.
3-Stop Neutral Density Filter (ND8) (4.06g): The 3-stop ND filters are typically what we use in medium light. This filter also helps reduce jello-effect by reducing the cameras shutter. This is our go-to filter for partly cloudy days.
4-Stop Neutral Density Filter (ND16) (3.85g): The 4-stop ND filter is what we use on brighter days, where we need to knock the shutter down by 4 stops to achieve a shutter of 1/100-1/150th. This filter will curb nearly all jello caused by the high vibrations of the Phantom 3 motors. Weight:
5-Stop Neutral Density Filter (ND32) (3.47g): The 5-Stop ND filter is what we use on extremely bright days. This filter is designed to take down the Phantom 3"s shutter speed by 5 stops. This is a very dark filter so it should only be used where there is enough available light to reduce. We use this shooting in the desert or over snow on very bright days.
3 Stop Polarizer (ND8/PL) (4.54g): The ND8/PL is a versatile filter, which reduces the cameras shutter speed by 3 stops while also providing polarization. Perfect for conditions that are too bright for the CP filter, the ND8/PL allows you to reduce the shutter speed 3 stops while also capturing beautifully saturated colors.
4 Stop Polarizer (ND16/PL) (5.36g): The ND16/PL provides 4 stops of shutter speed reduction while also providing polarization. This is our go-to filter for sunny days where we want to capture saturated colors and improve saturation.
- See more at: http://polarprofilters.com/shop/Phantom3Filter#sthash.aP2IieWP.dpufThe PolarPro DJI Phantom 3 Professional Pack includes 6 high grade filters for aerial filming in nearly any lighting condition. PolarPro"s new ultra-light high definition glass has been made specifically for use with the Phantom 3 camera and gimbal. The PolarPro Phantom 3 filters are designed to replace the stock UV filter on the Phantom 3 camera (which weighs 3 grams). This way 3 grams is removed before installing our filters. Even when adding even our heaviest filter (ND16/PL) to the gimbal, only a net increase of 3.36 grams is added to the gimbal. Each filter has a lightweight aluminum frame which threads onto the DJI Phantom 3 camera for easy installation and removal. (Note: you must remove the stock DJI UV filter before threading our filters on). The PolarPro Professional filter set gives you 6 unique options to capture epic content in any lighting condition.
Included Filters:
Circular Polarizer Filter (CP) (4.64g): The circular polarizer filter helps enhance aerial videos by reducing the amount of light reflecting off of the ground, leaving behind beautifully saturated colors and also improving contrast. This CP filter reduces the camera"s shutter speed by 1.4 f stops. Our target shutter speed is 1/100-1/150th so normally we use this CP during the early morning hours or dusk when we don"t have to knock down the shutter speed too much.
3-Stop Neutral Density Filter (ND8) (4.06g): The 3-stop ND filters are typically what we use in medium light. This filter also helps reduce jello-effect by reducing the cameras shutter. This is our go-to filter for partly cloudy days.
4-Stop Neutral Density Filter (ND16) (3.85g): The 4-stop ND filter is what we use on brighter days, where we need to knock the shutter down by 4 stops to achieve a shutter of 1/100-1/150th. This filter will curb nearly all jello caused by the high vibrations of the Phantom 3 motors. Weight:
5-Stop Neutral Density Filter (ND32) (3.47g): The 5-Stop ND filter is what we use on extremely bright days. This filter is designed to take down the Phantom 3"s shutter speed by 5 stops. This is a very dark filter so it should only be used where there is enough available light to reduce. We use this shooting in the desert or over snow on very bright days.
3 Stop Polarizer (ND8/PL) (4.54g): The ND8/PL is a versatile filter, which reduces the cameras shutter speed by 3 stops while also providing polarization. Perfect for conditions that are too bright for the CP filter, the ND8/PL allows you to reduce the shutter speed 3 stops while also capturing beautifully saturated colors.
4 Stop Polarizer (ND16/PL) (5.36g): The ND16/PL provides 4 stops of shutter speed reduction while also providing polarization. This is our go-to filter for sunny days where we want to capture saturated colors and improve saturation.
- See more at: http://polarprofilters.com/shop/Phantom3Filter#sthash.aP2IieWP.dpuf
1x CP filter
1x ND8 filter
1x ND16 filter
1x ND32 filter
1x ND8/PL filter
1x ND16/PL
1x POLAR PRO bag
Poiščite izdelek, ki ga želite, in ga dodajte v košarico. Odprlo se vam bo okence, ki vam ponudi dve možnosti – da nakupujete naprej ali zaključite nakup. Izberite tisto, kar vam ustreza.
Ko boste izbrali vse, kar potrebujete, natančno preglejte košarico, nato pa kliknite na gumb »nadaljuj na vnos podatkov«. Izberite med opcijami: fizična ali pravna oseba. Najprej boste morali vnesti podatke, glede na to, ali ste fizična oseba ali podjetje. V primeru, da naročate oz kupujete kot pravna oseba, torej podjetje registrirano v Sloveniji kot tudi EU, velja da vnesete sledeče:
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Čisto na koncu pozorno preberite podatke o vašem naročilu in potrdite svojo izbiro.
V roku 1-3 delovnih dni bo paket prispel na vaš naslov.
Izdelke dostavlja dostavna služba GLS. Ob dostavi vas bo poklical dostavljavec dostavne službe GLS in se z vami dogovoril za prevzem paketa. Paket bo dostavljen na naslov, ki ste ga navedli ob naročilu.
Izbirate lahko med tremi načini plačila:
- Preko spletne banke oz. po predračunu
- PayPal*
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Če je vrednost paketa manjša od 50€, dostava po Sloveniji preko dostavne službe znaša 5,90€. Pri nakupu nad 50€ je dostava po Sloveniji brezplačna.
Znesek dostave se obračuna pri zaključku nakupa.
Žal se popusti in ugodnosti v naši spletni trgovini ne seštevajo. Ob naročilu lahko uporabite le eno kodo za ugodnost.
Če želite opraviti postopek vračila, vas vljudno prosimo, da izpolnete obrazec tukaj.
Če v 15 dneh od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da izdelka ne želi iz kakršnega koli razloga, izdelek prinese do nas v original embalaži, nepoškodovanega, NEAKTIVIRANEGA z računom. V takšnem primeru stranki vrnemo kupnino.
Če v roku 15 dni od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da je z izdelkom (dronom) karkoli narobe, izdelek prinesete do nas oz. vrnete v originalni emabalaži z vso vsebino, ki je bila v njej. V takšnem primeru stranki dron zamenjamo z novim. Vračilo izdelka je možno v originalni embalaži, nepoškodovano, z računom.
Po pretečenih 15 dneh steče garancijski postopek. Izdelek pošljemo na DJI pooblaščeni uradni servis. V roku 7-10 delovnih dneh prejmemo zamenjan izdelek.
Garancija prične veljati od aktivacije drona in ne od nakupa le-tega. Za uveljavljanje garancije ne potrebujete računa.
Servis pri pooblaščenem serviserju za DJI drone traja od 7-10 delovnih dni. Ker ima DJI visoke standarde varnosti , drone menjajo za nove in jih ne popravljajo.
Da, lahko se oglasite v naši prodajalni, kjer vam bomo z veseljem pomagli in predstavili izdelek.
Za izposojo izdelkov prosim pojdite na našo spletno stran: rent.onedrone.com/store oziroma se oglasite v naši prodajalni.
Kontaktirajte nas in zagotavljamo vam, da boste prejeli vse potrebne informacije.
Pokličite nas na številko: 041 688 150
Ali pa nas kontaktirajte preko e-pošte: info@onedrone.si