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DJI Zenmuse H20T (M300 RTK)

DJI Zenmuse H20T (M300 RTK)
DJI Zenmuse H20T (M300 RTK)

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Brez DDV: 9,990.08€
  • Zaloga: V zalogi
  • Model: DJI-M300-H20T
12 prodano
Oznake: DJI , Zenmuse , H20T , (M300 , RTK)

Zenmuse H20 series - Integrated maximum performance

Contact us for price.

"H" for hybrid
Multi-sensor payloads that give the efficiency of operations a whole new meaning. With unparalleled intelligence and built-in design, unprecedented aerial photography capabilities are available for a range of commercial drone applications.

12 megapixel wide angle camera
20 megapixel zoom camera
Radiometric thermal imager
Laser rangefinder
Degree of protection IP44
Operating temperature -20 ° C to 50 ° C
Active and electronic image stabilization
Night scene mode
All required sensors in one device
Record everything. Up close or from a distance. In real vivid colors or as a thermal image. An integrated laser rangefinder (LRF) measures the distance to an object up to 1,200 m away. A powerful, integrated payload that unleashes advanced intelligent features for DJI"s industrial drone platforms.

H20 Triple sensor solution
20 MP zoom camera
12 MP wide angle camera
1,200 m laser rangefinder
Limitlessly precise foresight
Powerful zoom camera
23x optical hybrid zoom, 200x max. Zoom
20 megapixel 1 / 1.7 "CMOS sensor
Video resolution: 4K at 30fps

H20T Triple sensor solution
20 MP zoom camera
12 MP wide angle camera
1,200 m laser rangefinder
Radiometric thermal imager (640 × 512 pixels)
Limitlessly precise foresight
Powerful zoom camera
23x optical hybrid zoom, 200x max. Zoom
20 megapixel 1 / 1.7 "CMOS sensor
Video resolution: 4K at 30fps

Everything in view
Wide angle camera
35 mm equivalent focal length: 24 mm 82.9 °
12 megapixels 1 / 2.3? CMOS sensor

Precise distance data
Laser rangefinder
Range: 3 m? 1,200 m
Accuracy: ± (0.2 m + D × 0.15%)

Discover the invisible
Radiometric thermal imager
DFOV: 40.6 °
Resolution: 640 × 512 pixels, frame rate: 30 fps
Heat sensitivity: = 50 mk at f / 1.0 (NEDT)
One for everything

Multi-sensor payloads
See the whole picture without missing any details wherever your assignment takes place.

Seamless user interface
With a new integrated user interface, you can quickly switch between wide-angle, zoom and thermal imager and preview the zoom field of view (FOV) in the wide-angle or thermal imager view.

Intelligent data collection options

AI job review
Automate routine inspections and capture consistent results every time. The AI ​​recognizes the pre-marked object and thus enables consistent recording in regular and automated operations.

High resolution raster photo
Mark a desired area in a large-scale camera view and the zoom camera automatically takes a series of pictures with 20 megapixels per picture of this area. These images are saved together with an overview image and thus enable a more detailed view.

PinPoint (precise location)
You can quickly mark a visible object and advanced sensor fusion algorithms immediately deliver its coordinates.

Identify and track moving subjects such as people, vehicles, and boats with the auto-zoom feature while continuously capturing the dynamic location of the subject.
Visualize temperatures immediately

Precise temperature measurement
To avoid risk, you can monitor the temperature of a location or object by determining an accurate temperature value from the air.

Point measurement
Mark a point to read the surface temperature in real time.

Area measurement
Select an area to view its minimum, maximum and average temperature.

Intelligent functions

Temperature alarm
You will receive instant notifications in DJI Pilot if an object exceeds predetermined temperature thresholds.

The visualization of a certain temperature band helps to recognize the essentials.

Color palettes
The colors in which the thermal image data are mapped can be adjusted depending on the requirements of certain scenarios.

Gain modes
The temperature range to be recorded can be changed by setting the amplification modes: With high amplification, a smaller temperature range is covered, but is more sensitive to temperature differences; however, a lower temperature range covers a larger temperature range.

R-JPEG images
The pictures taken with the Zenmuse H20T are saved in R-JPEG format with embedded temperature data. By importing these images into the thermal imaging analysis tool from DJI, temperatures can be measured and parameters such as emissivity and reflected temperature can be adjusted.

The ideal addition for the Matrice 300 RTK


Extinguish fires and save lives without endangering people

Rescue operations
React quickly to locate missing people and thus better plan rescue operations.

Can quickly assess the situation and react accordingly - at the same time improve the safety of emergency services and passers-by.

Inspections of high-voltage lines
Visualize large-scale networks of high-voltage power lines comfortably - even in remote areas.

Oil and gas supply
Inspect pipelines or boreholes without employees having to go to dangerous locations.

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Slabo Dobro

Poiščite izdelek, ki ga želite, in ga dodajte v košarico. Odprlo se vam bo okence, ki vam ponudi dve možnosti – da nakupujete naprej ali zaključite nakup. Izberite tisto, kar vam ustreza.

Ko boste izbrali vse, kar potrebujete, natančno preglejte košarico, nato pa kliknite na gumb »nadaljuj na vnos podatkov«. Izberite med opcijami: fizična ali pravna oseba. Najprej boste morali vnesti podatke, glede na to, ali ste fizična oseba ali podjetje. V primeru, da naročate oz kupujete kot pravna oseba, torej podjetje registrirano v Sloveniji kot tudi EU, velja da vnesete sledeče:

  • Naziv podjetja
  • Točen naslov podjetja
  • Davčna številka
  • Obvezna telefonska številka (dostavna služba)

Izberite način plačila:

  • Po povzetju
  • TRR
  • Paypal
  • Leanpay

Čisto na koncu pozorno preberite podatke o vašem naročilu in potrdite svojo izbiro.

V roku 1-3 delovnih dni bo paket prispel na vaš naslov.

Izdelke dostavlja dostavna služba GLS. Ob dostavi vas bo poklical dostavljavec dostavne službe GLS in se z vami dogovoril za prevzem paketa. Paket bo dostavljen na naslov, ki ste ga navedli ob naročilu.

Izbirate lahko med tremi načini plačila:

  • Preko spletne banke oz. po predračunu
  • PayPal*
  • Plačilo po povzetju
  • Lean pay

Če je vrednost paketa manjša od 50€, dostava po Sloveniji preko dostavne službe znaša 5,90€. Pri nakupu nad 50€ je dostava po Sloveniji brezplačna.

Znesek dostave se obračuna pri zaključku nakupa.

Žal se popusti in ugodnosti v naši spletni trgovini ne seštevajo. Ob naročilu lahko uporabite le eno kodo za ugodnost.

Če želite opraviti postopek vračila, vas vljudno prosimo, da izpolnete obrazec tukaj.

Če v 15 dneh od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da izdelka ne želi iz kakršnega koli razloga, izdelek prinese do nas v original embalaži, nepoškodovanega, NEAKTIVIRANEGA z računom. V takšnem primeru stranki vrnemo kupnino.

Če v roku 15 dni od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da je z izdelkom (dronom) karkoli narobe, izdelek prinesete do nas oz. vrnete v originalni emabalaži z vso vsebino, ki je bila v njej. V takšnem primeru stranki dron zamenjamo z novim. Vračilo izdelka je možno v originalni embalaži, nepoškodovano, z računom.

Po pretečenih 15 dneh steče garancijski postopek. Izdelek pošljemo na DJI pooblaščeni uradni servis. V roku 7-10 delovnih dneh prejmemo zamenjan izdelek.

Garancija prične veljati od aktivacije drona in ne od nakupa le-tega. Za uveljavljanje garancije ne potrebujete računa.

Servis pri pooblaščenem serviserju za DJI drone traja od 7-10 delovnih dni. Ker ima DJI visoke standarde varnosti , drone menjajo za nove in jih ne popravljajo.

Da, lahko se oglasite v naši prodajalni, kjer vam bomo z veseljem pomagli in predstavili izdelek.

Za izposojo izdelkov prosim pojdite na našo spletno stran: oziroma se oglasite v naši prodajalni.

Kontaktirajte nas in zagotavljamo vam, da boste prejeli vse potrebne informacije.

Pokličite nas na številko: 041 688 150

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