DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise Series
Incredibly efficient. Ultra compact.
The DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise redefines industry standards for small commercial drones. With a mechanical shutter, a 56x zoom camera and an RTK module for centimeter-level precision, the DJI Mavic 3E takes mission efficiency to a new level. A version with a thermal imaging camera is also available, ideal for fire brigades, rescue teams, inspections and night operations.
- Compact and handy
- 4/3 CMOS wide-angle camera
- 56× hybrid zoom
- 640×512 px thermal imaging camera
- 45 min max flight time
- DJI O3 Enterprise transmission
- Centimeter accurate positioning with RTK
- Powerful speaker
Compact and portable
The streamlined and compact Mavic 3 Enterprise series can be carried in one hand and deployed in no time. It is perfect for both beginners and experienced pilots and is designed for long missions.
Two versions, countless possibilities
DJI Mavic 3E
Wide angle
4/3 CMOS, 20 MP, Mechanical shutter
equivalent focal length 162 mm, 12 MP, 56× hybrid zoom
DJI Mavic 3T
Wide Angle
Equivalent Focal Length 24mm, 48MP
equivalent focal length 162 mm, 12 MP, 56× hybrid zoom
Thermal image
Diagonal field of view: 61°, equivalent focal length 40 mm, resolution 640×512
Top notch camera performance
Fast Surveying
The Mavic 3E"s 4/3 CMOS 20 MP wide-angle sensor features a mechanical shutter to prevent motion blur and supports fast interval shooting of 0.7 seconds. Conduct mapping missions with exceptional efficiency without the need for a Ground Control Point (GCP).
Improved performance in low light
The Mavic 3E"s wide-angle camera features large 3.3μm pixels, which together with the intelligent night scene mode offer significantly improved performance in low light conditions.
Focus and Find
Both the Mavic 3E and Mavic 3T are equipped with a 12 MP zoom camera that supports up to 56x hybrid zoom to see important details from a distance.
Making the invisible visible
The Mavic 3T"s thermal imaging camera has a resolution of 640×512 and supports spot and surface temperature measurements, temperature warnings, color palettes and isotherms to help you make faster decisions.
Synchronized Split-Screen Zoom
The Mavic 3T"s thermal and zoom cameras support 14x continuous and simultaneous zoom for easy comparisons.
Exceptional operational efficiency
Batteries with endurance
With a flight time of 45 minutes, you can cover larger areas with each mission and measure up to 2 square kilometers in a single flight.
Charge batteries quickly with the 100W charging station or directly from the drone with 88W.
Next generation image transmission
The four antennas of the O3 Enterprise transmission enable more stable connections in numerous complex environments.
Omnidirectional Detection for Safe Flying
Equipped with wide-angle lenses on all sides for omnidirectional obstacle avoidance with no blind spots. Collision warnings and braking distances can be adjusted depending on the application requirements.
The improved return automatically plans the optimal route back to the starting point, saving power and time and avoiding nasty surprises.
APAS 5.0 enables automatic rerouting around obstacles so you can fly with peace of mind.
Complete software package
DJI Pilot 2
The new app for corporate customers has been redesigned from the ground up to offer you even more efficiency and flight safety. Drone and payload controls can be easily invoked with one click. The clear display of flight and navigation details, together with the support of different flight routes, makes operation much easier.
DJI FlightHub 2
The drone management in the cloud with live annotation support and cloud mapping for seamless ground-to-cloud synergies. Efficiently manage inspection operations with route planning and deployment management.
DJI Terra
full-featured mapping software for all work phases, from mission planning to processing 2D and 3D models.
DJI Thermal Image Analysis Tool 3.0
Analyze, annotate and process images captured by the M3T with DTAT 3.0 to quickly identify temperature anomalies in your inspections.
data security
- Local data mode
- Erase all device files with just one click
- AES-256 encryption for video transmission
- Cloud API
Open developer ecosystem
PSDK is a unified interface that allows the Mavic 3 Enterprise Series to be functionally extended by third-party hardware.
Mobile SDK 5 simplifies the development of apps for the Mavic 3 Enterprise series. Mobile SDK 5 is fully open source and comes with programming examples covering DJI Pilot 2"s core modules.
Cloud API
With DJI Pilot 2"s built-in MQTT-based protocols in the DJI Cloud API, you can connect the Mavic 3 Enterprise Series directly to third-party cloud platforms without having to develop an app. Access the drone"s hardware, live video stream and photo data.
Poiščite izdelek, ki ga želite, in ga dodajte v košarico. Odprlo se vam bo okence, ki vam ponudi dve možnosti – da nakupujete naprej ali zaključite nakup. Izberite tisto, kar vam ustreza.
Ko boste izbrali vse, kar potrebujete, natančno preglejte košarico, nato pa kliknite na gumb »nadaljuj na vnos podatkov«. Izberite med opcijami: fizična ali pravna oseba. Najprej boste morali vnesti podatke, glede na to, ali ste fizična oseba ali podjetje. V primeru, da naročate oz kupujete kot pravna oseba, torej podjetje registrirano v Sloveniji kot tudi EU, velja da vnesete sledeče:
- Naziv podjetja
- Točen naslov podjetja
- Davčna številka
- Obvezna telefonska številka (dostavna služba)
Izberite način plačila:
- Po povzetju
- Paypal
- Leanpay
Čisto na koncu pozorno preberite podatke o vašem naročilu in potrdite svojo izbiro.
V roku 1-3 delovnih dni bo paket prispel na vaš naslov.
Izdelke dostavlja dostavna služba GLS. Ob dostavi vas bo poklical dostavljavec dostavne službe GLS in se z vami dogovoril za prevzem paketa. Paket bo dostavljen na naslov, ki ste ga navedli ob naročilu.
Izbirate lahko med tremi načini plačila:
- Preko spletne banke oz. po predračunu
- PayPal*
- Plačilo po povzetju
- Lean pay
Če je vrednost paketa manjša od 50€, dostava po Sloveniji preko dostavne službe znaša 5,90€. Pri nakupu nad 50€ je dostava po Sloveniji brezplačna.
Znesek dostave se obračuna pri zaključku nakupa.
Žal se popusti in ugodnosti v naši spletni trgovini ne seštevajo. Ob naročilu lahko uporabite le eno kodo za ugodnost.
Če želite opraviti postopek vračila, vas vljudno prosimo, da izpolnete obrazec tukaj.
Če v 15 dneh od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da izdelka ne želi iz kakršnega koli razloga, izdelek prinese do nas v original embalaži, nepoškodovanega, NEAKTIVIRANEGA z računom. V takšnem primeru stranki vrnemo kupnino.
Če v roku 15 dni od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da je z izdelkom (dronom) karkoli narobe, izdelek prinesete do nas oz. vrnete v originalni emabalaži z vso vsebino, ki je bila v njej. V takšnem primeru stranki dron zamenjamo z novim. Vračilo izdelka je možno v originalni embalaži, nepoškodovano, z računom.
Po pretečenih 15 dneh steče garancijski postopek. Izdelek pošljemo na DJI pooblaščeni uradni servis. V roku 7-10 delovnih dneh prejmemo zamenjan izdelek.
Garancija prične veljati od aktivacije drona in ne od nakupa le-tega. Za uveljavljanje garancije ne potrebujete računa.
Servis pri pooblaščenem serviserju za DJI drone traja od 7-10 delovnih dni. Ker ima DJI visoke standarde varnosti , drone menjajo za nove in jih ne popravljajo.
Da, lahko se oglasite v naši prodajalni, kjer vam bomo z veseljem pomagli in predstavili izdelek.
Za izposojo izdelkov prosim pojdite na našo spletno stran: oziroma se oglasite v naši prodajalni.
Kontaktirajte nas in zagotavljamo vam, da boste prejeli vse potrebne informacije.
Pokličite nas na številko: 041 688 150
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