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DJI Matrice M30T + DJI Care Enterprise Basic

DJI Matrice M30T + DJI Care Enterprise Basic
DJI Matrice M30T + DJI Care Enterprise Basic
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DJI Matrice M30T + DJI Care Enterprise Basic
DJI Matrice M30T + DJI Care Enterprise Basic
DJI Matrice M30T + DJI Care Enterprise Basic
Brez DDV: 8,760.57€
  • Zaloga: Ni na zalogi
  • Model: DJI-M30-TH
Oznake: DJI , Matrice , M30T , + , DJI , Care , Enterprise , Basic

DJI Matrice 30 Serie - Power in Portability (Batteries not included)

A New Generation of Commercial Drones

Powerful Flight Performance - A balance of power and portability delivers higher operational efficiency

  • 41-min Max Flight Time
  • 15 m/s Wind Resistance
  • 7000 m Service Ceiling
  • 23 m/s Max Speed

Environmental Adaptability
With IP55 protection, the M30 can easily handle adverse weather and temperatures ranging from -20° C~50° C.

Safe and Reliable
Dual-vision and ToF sensors appear on all six sides of the aircraft, keeping it and your mission safe. The built-in ADS-B receiver provides timely warnings of any incoming crewed aircraft nearby.

Redundancies and Backup Systems
Built-in advanced redundancy systems help keep your critical missions going even in unexpected Scenarios.

Enhanced Transmission
Four built-in antennas support OcuSync 3 Enterprise, which enables triple-channel 1080p video transmission, and seamless swapping between input feeds, even in complex environments. Bolster your connection with DJI Cellular Module, an optional 4G dongle4 that supports stable video transmission in complex, or remote work Environments.

Lightweight and Portable
Compact and foldable, the M30 Series is easy to pack up, carry, and deploy.

Capture Everything
The M30 Series integrates wide, zoom, and thermal cameras (M30T only) with a laser rangefinder, which together can capture the aerial data you need, when you need it.

Wide Camera

  • Equivalent Focal Length: 24 mm, DFOV: 84°
  • 12 MP 1/2"" CMOS Sensor
  • Video Resolution: 4K/30fps

Zoom Camera

  • 48 MP 1/2"" CMOS Sensor
  • 5x-16x Optical Zoom
  • 200x Max. Hybrid Zoom
  • Photo Resolution: 8K
  • Video Resolution: 4K/30fps

Thermal Imaging Camera

  • Equivalent Focal Length: 40 mm
  • Resolution: 640×512
  • Range: 3 m - 1200 m
  • Measurement Accuracy: ±2°C or ±2%

Laser Rangefinder

  • Range: 3 m - 1200 m
  • Accuracy: ±(0.2m+D×0.15%)

Superior Image Quality

Night Flight
With the FPV camera optimized for low-light conditions, the ground and skyline are clearly visible, even at night, so you can fly with safety and confidence.

Smart Low-Light Photo
Capture bright, clear images in low-light conditions with Smart Low-Light Photo.

See it all from above.

Find hotspots and heat signatures thanks to high-resolution thermal capabilities.

Laser Rangefinder
PinPoint an object in view, and advanced sensor fusion algorithms immediately deliver its coordinates.

A Revolutionary Flight Control Experience

Built For Commercial Drone Pilots
The 7-inch widescreen DJI RC Plus with dual control mode is tailor-made for Enterprise users.

Enterprise Environmental Adaptability

  • IP54 Protection - Water and dustproof
  • -20°C to 50°C Capable in climates both hot and cold

Improved Stability and Battery Life

Four Antenna OcuSync 3 Enterprise
Cover more area with stable video transmission and removable dual-antennas.

DJI Cellular Module
Attach a DJI Cellular Module for added 4G support to supplement OcuSync 3 Enterprise.

Extended Battery Life
Internal and external battery configuration powers 6 hours of battery life and enables hot-swapping for seamless, uninterrupted flight operations.

Introducing the All-new DJI Pilot 2

A revamped Enterprise flight interface designed to improve piloting efficiency and flight safety.

Reimagined User Interface
Drone and payload controls can be easily accessed with one tap. Clear presentation of flight details and navigational information improves user experience and flight Efficiency.

Ergonomic Design For Safety and Efficiency
Pilot 2 works seamlessly with the DJI RC Plus. Screenside and customizable buttons are all within reach and enable quick operations, such as adjusting camera views and dropping PinPoints.

Flight Safety

Pre-flight Checklist
A comprehensive checklist helps you quickly confirm aircraft status and parameter settings, so you can take off with confidence.

Navigation Display
An optimized interface displays your home point, PinPoints, and nearby obstacles to improve safety and provide comprehensive situational awareness.

Alert Notifications
Stay updated with timely alerts as conditions and scenarios evolve.

DJI FlightHub 2

Ground-to-Cloud Synergy - Master Your Mission Environment
FlightHub 2 offers a 2.5D Base Map for quick terrain awareness, One-Tap Panorama Sync for rapid site overviews, and Cloud Mapping for fast mapping in RGB or infrared.

Mission Live Streaming
Connect multiple users to one or many drone operations simultaneously, and keep teams updated with the latest developments thanks to low latency, high-resolution livestreaming.

Live Annotations
Highlight objects or areas of interest for efficient mission management and resource distribution. Annotations are visible to ground teams, pilots, or any team member for timely project alignment and task Distribution.

Streamlined Team Communication
Synchronize valuable information such as teams position, drone status, mission details and more, in real time and across multiple device types, making team collaboration easier than ever.

Advanced Intelligence

Route Planning and Management
Flight routes and missions planned in FlightHub 2 can be easily synchronized with Pilot 2. Operation data can be automatically uploaded to FlightHub 2 Media Files for unified management and Analysis.

Smart Inspection
An upgrade to Live Mission Recording brings an optimized user interface, convenient task recording, and target point marking, saving 90% of operation steps. Gimbal angle and photo settings can be adjusted between Waypoints, improving flight and mission Efficiency.

DJI Dock, For Road Less Traveled

Non-stop Ops
The DJI Dock (M30 Series Dock Version7) has flagship-level performance with a maximum operation range of 7 km8, IP55 weather resistance, and resilience in temperatures ranging from -35? to 50?.

Fast Charging, Fast Turnaround
Fast charge and take off thanks to TEC air conditioning that cools the drone batteries, enabling charging from 10-90% in just 25 minutes.

Cloud Platform Management
With FlightHub 2, unlock full DJI Dock functionality from the cloud. Schedule missions, create and edit flight routes, and manage data collected.

Private Deployment
Cloud API opens up DJI Dock functionality to developers and system integrators, who can set up a custom, private Server.

User Data Security

  • SD Card AES Encryption
  • Local Data Mode
  • One-Tap Clear All Device Data
  • AES-256 Video Transmission Encryption
  • Cloud-API

In the Box:
1x Matrice M30 T 
1x BS30 Battery Station
1x RC Plus
1x Pilot 2
1x FlightHub 2 (3 months free) 
1x Care Enterprise Basic (1 year)

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Slabo Dobro

Poiščite izdelek, ki ga želite, in ga dodajte v košarico. Odprlo se vam bo okence, ki vam ponudi dve možnosti – da nakupujete naprej ali zaključite nakup. Izberite tisto, kar vam ustreza.

Ko boste izbrali vse, kar potrebujete, natančno preglejte košarico, nato pa kliknite na gumb »nadaljuj na vnos podatkov«. Izberite med opcijami: fizična ali pravna oseba. Najprej boste morali vnesti podatke, glede na to, ali ste fizična oseba ali podjetje. V primeru, da naročate oz kupujete kot pravna oseba, torej podjetje registrirano v Sloveniji kot tudi EU, velja da vnesete sledeče:

  • Naziv podjetja
  • Točen naslov podjetja
  • Davčna številka
  • Obvezna telefonska številka (dostavna služba)

Izberite način plačila:

  • Po povzetju
  • TRR
  • Paypal
  • Leanpay

Čisto na koncu pozorno preberite podatke o vašem naročilu in potrdite svojo izbiro.

V roku 1-3 delovnih dni bo paket prispel na vaš naslov.

Izdelke dostavlja dostavna služba GLS. Ob dostavi vas bo poklical dostavljavec dostavne službe GLS in se z vami dogovoril za prevzem paketa. Paket bo dostavljen na naslov, ki ste ga navedli ob naročilu.

Izbirate lahko med tremi načini plačila:

  • Preko spletne banke oz. po predračunu
  • PayPal*
  • Plačilo po povzetju
  • Lean pay

Če je vrednost paketa manjša od 50€, dostava po Sloveniji preko dostavne službe znaša 5,90€. Pri nakupu nad 50€ je dostava po Sloveniji brezplačna.

Znesek dostave se obračuna pri zaključku nakupa.

Žal se popusti in ugodnosti v naši spletni trgovini ne seštevajo. Ob naročilu lahko uporabite le eno kodo za ugodnost.

Če želite opraviti postopek vračila, vas vljudno prosimo, da izpolnete obrazec tukaj.

Če v 15 dneh od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da izdelka ne želi iz kakršnega koli razloga, izdelek prinese do nas v original embalaži, nepoškodovanega, NEAKTIVIRANEGA z računom. V takšnem primeru stranki vrnemo kupnino.

Če v roku 15 dni od nakupa stranka ugotovi, da je z izdelkom (dronom) karkoli narobe, izdelek prinesete do nas oz. vrnete v originalni emabalaži z vso vsebino, ki je bila v njej. V takšnem primeru stranki dron zamenjamo z novim. Vračilo izdelka je možno v originalni embalaži, nepoškodovano, z računom.

Po pretečenih 15 dneh steče garancijski postopek. Izdelek pošljemo na DJI pooblaščeni uradni servis. V roku 7-10 delovnih dneh prejmemo zamenjan izdelek.

Garancija prične veljati od aktivacije drona in ne od nakupa le-tega. Za uveljavljanje garancije ne potrebujete računa.

Servis pri pooblaščenem serviserju za DJI drone traja od 7-10 delovnih dni. Ker ima DJI visoke standarde varnosti , drone menjajo za nove in jih ne popravljajo.

Da, lahko se oglasite v naši prodajalni, kjer vam bomo z veseljem pomagli in predstavili izdelek.

Za izposojo izdelkov prosim pojdite na našo spletno stran: oziroma se oglasite v naši prodajalni.

Kontaktirajte nas in zagotavljamo vam, da boste prejeli vse potrebne informacije.

Pokličite nas na številko: 041 688 150

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